Halloween is this coming Sunday!

We are looking forward to seeing all the children dressed up in their costumes.

Safety First:

Please be on the watch for children, families, and pets that might be walking in the street.

Drive slowly, as always, through the neighborhood.

Your Light Posts:

Please be sure to replace any lightbulbs that are not working on your lamp post by the driveway. It gets very dark at night when these lamp posts are not working.

If your lamp post sensor is not functional for dusk-to-dawn lighting, be sure to replace that sensor before Sunday. Note that it is the responsibility of each resident for maintaining a properly working lamp post at their home year-round.

Let’s make our Halloween celebrations a memorable, fun time for all the children in Siena Oaks.

Never forget, safety first.

Finally, we love the creativity of many of our residents who have decorated their homes for Halloween.

Here is a link to the Halloween Photo Album of these festive houses on our Facebook page (“Siena Oaks of Palm Beach Gardens”).

Thank you,
Your Siena Oaks Board
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen