Siena Oaks Landscaping Red/Blue Reflector Issue

Dear Siena Oaks Homeowners,

We have been having an ongoing issue with some yards that have either a RED, BLUE, or BOTH reflectors visible in the front yards being serviced, particularly in the back yards. The majority of these have been homes with lots on the lake area. To help address this issue, if your home is located on the lake, and you do not want a landscaping service. Please also put a reflector, RED, BLUE, or BOTH on the back yard as well as the front. We found that the crews mowing the area around the lake, access that area from an easement entrance, not through the individual front of the house/fence gates. So, they may never see the front yard reflectors when servicing the back yards around the lake. If you are not on the lake, and you want your front yard serviced but not the back yard, you can put the reflectors just inside the gate to the back yard. Again, we are trying to address some of the issues with reflectors and having the vendor reiterate to the crews the reflectors. RED=NO YARD SERVICE OF ANY KIND. BLUE=NO CHEMICAL WEEDING.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at