Board Statement on Document Change Proposal

Siena Oaks Residents,

It has come to our attention that “three concerned residents” have sent a letter to most of the residents of Siena Oaks pertaining to the proposed amendment change. The Board was not copied on this letter, and a clarification to the residents expanding on some of the statements in their letter is required.

The documents that require the Board to contract for Basic Cable were written in 1989, and internet was not available to the general population at that time. Our Association attorney recently advised the Board to make a change in the documents utilizing the Limited Proxy procedure to bring these documents into the 21st century. This change gives the Board the ability to solicit quotes and contract for “communication services,” which includes internet. This is standard in current HOA Documents.

We were approached by a number of residents inquiring about the ability to include internet in the bulk agreement when it was renewed. A committee was formed and quotes were solicited. During our investigation, we found out that 82% of the residents already paid an upgrade for some version of Comcast Internet. Also, 62% pay for the X-1 Platform and 45% pay for DVR. Please see the attached Penetration of Services.

We were given quotes for a renewal of Basic Cable only and Comcast’s Basic Bulk package including internet. CLICK HERE for the revised proposal dated July 30, 2020. After further negotiations with Comcast, we arrived at the Final Agreed Price of $ 75.57/unit per month, also attached. This price includes equipment for three TV’s per unit and the modem for internet which most people rent from Comcast.

I want to point out one thing that the letter from the “concerned residents” did not. Association Dues will go up approximately $ 35 – $40 a month for the upgraded service, but you will also receive a reduction in your cable bill for internet, possibly a modem, as well as upgraded Basic service. Also, the Association receives $120.00/unit in compensation for the contract, WiFi for the pool area, and service for the clubhouse – all amenities to enhance the community.

Without this amendment to the documents, this program will not be addressed now or in the future. We have been open to the neighborhood and presented all of the information we can to give every resident what they need to make an informed decision.

Please, send in your proxy or vote September 28th at the meeting (Social Distancing) to provide the Board direction for the community in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we hope you have a great weekend.

Siena Oaks Board of Directors

CLICK HERE for the revised Comcast proposal.