Annual Meeting Rescheduled

The rescheduled meeting will be on Thursday May 15 at 7pm at Tropical Sands Church. You should be receiving a new ballot and proxy in the mail along with detailed instructions on how to submit them. If you plan to attend the meeting, please arrive by 7pm so that a quorum can be determined.

If you have questions or don’t receive the ballot/proxy please contact the office.

Annual Meeting to be Rescheduled with New Proxies and Ballots

The HOA attorney made the announcement at a brief meeting on April 17th. Instructions to the property owners were confusing and there were misunderstandings that led to an inability to certify a quorum via the proxies and to validate the ballots that were submitted. The attorney’s firm will pay for mailing new proxies and ballots to all of the homeowners in the next few days, accompanied by detailed instructions. Siena Oaks will not incur any costs for this rescheduled Annual Meeting.

The date and location of the meeting has not yet been determined. Watch for the mailing and for an announcement of the date.