Siena Oaks Paving Project FAQ

Regarding the paving project: Week of January 31 through February 7, 2022-

There will be many unknown parameters until the week of the work.

An overview of the project with color-coded maps and detailed outlines was sent out by email on Friday, January 21. See: Announcement

*** Be informed and aware by reading carefully all emails and information as it is updated and posted on our website and Facebook page.

The following questions and answers are based on your questions posted on our Facebook page, as well as those asked by email to our property manager.

Can you tell me the time-window of when my street work will be done on my assigned day?
Answer: Your time-window is 7 am to 6:30 pm each day. We will not know a more exact time.
Bear in mind too that the plan outlined by email and posted on our website, is based on the weather’s cooperation.
If necessary, we will update the assigned days for each street if the weather forces a delay.

How soon can we drive on the newly paved asphalt after it has been put down and steam rolled?
Answer: Shortly after the final process has been completed, the cones will be removed and you will be able to drive on the surface.

How will the following deliveries be handled during that week: Mail, newspapers, work contractors, UPS, Amazon and FedEx deliveries, and so forth?
Answer: Our mail carrier has received the schedule from the property manager.
Residents should coordinate on their own for their personal deliveries and contractors (ie: pool service, etc.).

What changes have been made regarding the pick up of trash, recyclables, heavy refuse, and yard waste?
Answer: Solid Waste Authority (SWA) service has been canceled for the Siena Oaks community for the entire week;
Specifically, SWA has been notified that they are not to drive into the community to pick up trash, recyclables, heavy refuse, and yard waste on Wednesday, February 2 and for Saturday, February 5 (or any other day that week).
NOTE: Do not put your trash or recyclables curbside at any time that week, including large size heavy refuse of any kind.
Yard waste and palm fronds should be held in your backyard and not piled up along the street until the week after the road work is completed.

How will residents know the details of the paving plans if they do not have email or online registration to our website?
Answer: Large signs are being posted on all stop signs throughout the community directing all to look at the Siena Oaks HOA website for details and for updates. One does not need to be logged on to the website to read these communiques. Email updates will also be sent out regularly, as needed.

Has the community hired a security guard for this project?
Answer: No.

FAQ Part 2:

Note: Special signs were posted on stop signs throughout the community today directing residents, contractors, and delivery persons to find more info on our paving project on our HOA website.

More Questions… answered today (1/25) by our property manager-

Do we need to turn off sprinklers on our street’s assigned paving day or all week?
Answer: The only sprinklers that need to be turned off are those that affect the street and gutter areas; If the water from your sprinklers does not run in that direction, proceed as usual.

Are we permitted to park on the street overnight during this time? For instance, can I park overnight on the side street for the days my street is being paved so that I don’t have to move my car before 7 am each morning?
Answer: Cars parked overnight on the street so as to not interfere with the paving project will not be ticketed or towed. Do not block anyone’s driveway or sidewalks, and do not double-park.

Can you give me a more precise time so that I can get my car out of my driveway when my side of the street is being paved? Can the paving workers knock on my door so I can get my car out?
Answer: As stated previously, the time-window for your car to stay put OR be out is 7 am to 6:30 pm each day. We will not know a more exact time. The workers will not notify anyone or knock on doors.

Is it possible to get a dumpster for collective trash drop off during the week of the paving? With missing two pickup dates, we will all have trash piling up for 10-11 days. Perhaps a dumpster can be left in a parking spot by the clubhouse?
Answer: Unfortunately, this is not possible. That area will be the staging location for equipment. Also, the clubhouse parking lot will also be stripped and replaced.
Recyclables can be dropped off for no charge at the SWA Home Chemical and Recycling Center,
14185 N. Military Trail, Jupiter;
Trash can be dropped for a disposal fee (at your expense) at the N. County Transfer Station at the same address.
Hours for both:
M-Fr 7am – 5pm;
Sat. 7am – 3pm.

Is there any information regarding the safety of materials being used for this project?
Will it be unsafe for children, pets, lung-compromised adults to be near the street area during the paving?
Is it toxic, including the fumes?
What do they recommend safety-wise during these projects?
What is the protocol if someone/pet were to accidentally come into contact with the adhesive or asphalt before it was safely cured?

Answer: As in any project which involves the use of tar and petroleum-based products, you should take measures to ensure that your children and your pets are not near the work zones. The area and equipment should be avoided as a safety measure.
Don’t allow your pets outside when work is taking place without a leash.
Supervise your children carefully.
Be proactive and use common sense.

FAQ Part 4: Added 1/28/2022-

Have next week’s lawn services (Thursday, Feb. 3) been cancelled? We assume that we won’t see mowing during the paving project.
Answer: Landscaping/ mowing services for the entire neighborhood have been cancelled for next week

Will the landscaping company come though to get the leaves off the road work areas?
Answer: No. The milling machine and street sweeper will be moving leaves around.

RE: Clubhouse Parking Lot – Tennis Courts – Swimming Pool:
The parking lot area next to the tennis courts will be closed starting at 12noon today, Friday, January 28.
The contractors are bringing the heavy equipment out. As the staging area, the parking lot is being coned and taped off.
The swimming pool and tennis courts are open and accessible by foot.

FAQs #5:
More Questions Answered – Posted the evening of 1/31/2022:

So, from Friday until Tuesday, we cannot drive in and out of the estate section?
Answer: There is no work scheduled as of now for the upcoming weekend.
You can drive on the milled roadway. And you can always drive in and out: One lane of traffic will be open at all times.
*** You just need to pay attention on the paving day that if they are asphalting, that you do not drive over the tar that is being sprayed on the milled roadway BEFORE it is asphalted.
That tar-spray which looks like black spray paint will get on your car and on your driveway.
You can drive on the asphalt after it is compacted/paved.

The lane that is not being paved is the drivable lane; One lane will be open at all times. Each street being paved will have one lane which is drivable until they switch sides.

After the milling, any loose debris is brushed with a spinning street sweeper followed by a wet street sweeper/vacuum truck.
In that manner, the street debris/gravel is kept to a minimum. I (property manager) have walked the swept-streets and they have been cleaned very well so far.

The asphalt supplier to the vendor had a time shift for one day.
Unfortunately, neither Siena Oaks nor the paving company can control that.

You are able to get in and out of your home/ driveway at any time. There will be one lane completely open at all times whether milling or paving is going on.
** You might be impacted for a few minutes if they are attempting to get in or out of your driveway on the paving days.
They only do one side of the street at a time, then they switch to the other side of the street. The only issue is during street parking.

** You cannot park on your street during the day for either milling or paving. After the street is milled, you can drive on it;
After it is paved, you can drive on it.

20. For some reason, Oak Bark Lane is being done today/ Monday-
I thought they were blue?
Did I read that wrong?
Answer: No, you are correct. Today/ Monday was coded Red on the street map and Oak Bark is coded Blue.
The milling was indeed done on Oak Bark today. See #20.

21. Does the early milling of Oak Bark change their schedule for paving?
Paving days should stay unchanged, as far as we know;
We will stick to the new schedule which is “one day off” from the original schedule.

Be prepared.

Board Meeting Zoom on 1/18