Good turnout for PBG Election

Congratulations to the winner in Group 1, Dr. Mark Marciano, who dominated the race with 66% of the vote over challenger Michael Paolercio, and in Group 3 to Matthew Lane who topped 50% in a three way race by 13 votes to avoid a runoff. The Group 5 race moves to a runoff between Rachelle Litt and Joe Russo who captured 37% and 34% respectively in the 4 way race.

PBG Candidate Forum Video

On February 28, PBG Watch, along with the Palm Beach County Tea Party, the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches, the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches, and the North County Democratic Club hosted a candidate forum for the City Council election.

Weed and Feed This Week

This week (October 24-28), the lawns in Siena Oaks will be treated with fertilizer and weed control chemicals by Sago.

To be fully effective, it is necessary to water your lawn after the feeding. Keep and eye out for when your lawn receives its application, and water it in shortly thereafter.

If you have any questions, call our property manager Wes Sippel at (561) 847-6809.

Siena Oaks Landscape Survey

PHONE: (561) 622‐9532 FAX: (561) 622‐8752

September 29, 2016
RE: Landscape Services in Siena Oaks

Dear Homeowner,

The Siena Oaks Board of Directors is evaluating the current landscape service, Sago Landscape. As this contract is one of the largest budget items for Siena Oaks, the community is asking for your feedback regarding the service provided by Sago Landscape. We would like to know if you are satisfied with the service performed by Sago Landscape or if you believe Sago should be replaced.

Shortly, community residents will receive a mailing that will include a survey form and a unique ID pin to be used on the questionnaire.

You can view or submit this form online at but you will need the ID enclosed in the letter to complete.

We would appreciate your perspective on this very important matter. Please submit online, or return your form to the community office no later than Friday, October 14th. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Wesley Sippel, Community Association Manager
For the Board of Directors
Siena Oaks HOA

Weed and Feed May 9th

On May 9th, the lawns in Siena Oaks will be treated with fertilizer and weed control chemicals.

To be fully effective, it is necessary to water your lawn after the feeding. Keep and eye out for when your lawn receives its application, and water it in shortly thereafter.

If you have any questions, call our property manager Wes Sippel at (561) 847-6809.

PBG Council Candidate Forum 2/25

Join us for an evening of in-depth discussion of city issues with the candidates for the March 15th election in Group 4 at the Gardens Branch of the County Library. With two of the three incumbents facing challengers this year, it should be a lively discussion.

Siena Oaks Annual Meeting – March 9

NOTE NEW DATE: On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, at 7:00pm at Tropical Sands Christian Church, 2726 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, the Annual Meeting of the Association will be conducted. Signin starts at 6:30pm.

New Property Manager Named

GRS Management has removed Raul as our property manager. Please welcome Wes Sippel as our new, on site CAM.

Wes comes to us with over 7 year’s management experience with GRS. He has extensive construction knowledge.

Wes’ hours will be Monday and Friday 8:30- 1:30. Wednesday from 12- 4. Wes can be reached by calling the office at 622-9532. You can send an e-mail to Wes at

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