ATT Will Soon Be Digging Up Our Lawns

In the next 3-5 months, the AT&T Corporation plans to install new fiber optic cable in Siena Oaks, presumably to offer services competitive with our existing Comcast infrastructure. This will involve work along the utility easements that cross the front portions of most of our lawns. If you have lived here for more than a few years you will probably remember the mess that ensued from the last construction activity along the easement.

According to their letter, most (if not all) Siena Oaks properties will be affected by this, yet it is not clear how many residents are even interested in buying their service when it is available. Comcast internet service is included with our HOA assessments.

Tell us what you think by sending a note to manager@sienaoakshoa.com or by posting on the Siena Oaks Facebook Page.

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