Siena Oaks Road Repaving Update 10/22/2021
After review by our attorney, the contract with All-County Paving Solutions has been signed.
Federal Engineering & Testing was also hired to oversee the entire repaving project. They will be on-site next Tuesday morning, October 26, to start the various tests of the existing pavement which are required prior to repaving.
All-County has advised that there is an approximately three-month window for permitting, surveys, etc.
As of now, All-County is looking to start the work at the beginning of the first quarter of 2022.
We will keep everyone updated as the date approaches via email, website, and our Facebook page (“Siena Oaks of Palm Beach Gardens”).
Thank you,
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen
Power Outage Explained
Siena Oaks Homeowners,
GRS inquired into what caused the recent power outage and was advised that an Oak tree near the corner of Allamanda Blvd and Burns Rd was the culprit.
FP&L also advised that customers can visit to report any vegetation they believe is interfering with power lines.
Thank you.
GRS Community Management
Mailbox Replacement
Recently a bank of mailboxes located at Siena Oaks Circle East and Caoba Street was damaged and is now scheduled to be replaced Wednesday 9/8/2021. Replacement keys will be distributed by the HOA as soon as they are available.
Thank you.
Landscaping Statement by the Board of Directors
August 12, 2021
Our manager is working to get a schedule for our landscapers service dates. We understand our regular weekly service will be Thursday/Fridays beginning August 19th & 20th. The hedge-shrub trimming/weeding crews are scheduled for once a month, date(s) to be determined. Our goal is to have a quarterly calendar with all required services, fertilization dates as well as a copy of the landscapers contract on our web-site.
As far as irrigation, GRC will be doing an audit of each of our homes irrigation system, giving the homeowner & HOA a status report of just how many systems are working properly or are in need of attention. Anytime a homeowner has an irrigation problem, simply contact our manager and he will submit a work order to GRC. (Understand that the HOA is responsible for any broken sprinkler heads, everything else is the homeowners responsibility.)
Thank you,
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen
August 9, 2021
Landscapers are scheduled to be here tomorrow morning Tuesday 8/10. Please check that your lawns are clear of any obstacles and your gates are in good repair.
Thank you.
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen
August 5, 2021
Since the last update we have not heard from or seen Precision Landscaping. The Board has signed on a new company, GRC Landscaping, that is scheduled to begin next Thursday & Friday 8/12-13. Due to no service this week, we have requested to have them come before then, which they believe they can. Understand though that our regular days for service will be Thursday & Friday each week following.
Again, the Board appreciates your patience as we work through this.
Thank you,
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen
July 29, 2021
Community Landscape Update
Today, 7/29/2021, our landscapers were sent a letter by our attorney requesting immediate termination of their services. Pending their response, a new company has been selected and vetted by our attorney and is available to start immediately. Also understand that Precision has not been paid for June & July and it is the board’s full intention not to pay August either.
The board completely understands your frustrations and appreciate your patience while we work through this.
Lillian, Sandy, Dave & Saen
Siena Oaks Board of Directors
May 14, 2121
Your Board of Directors would like to bring you up to date regarding issues with our landscape company.
This week (5/11-13), as we’re sure you have noticed, lawns were either not edged, not trimmed (or very badly scalped), not blown, badly damaged by tires pivoting or just plain missed completely. Our manager and Board members have received the most calls, texts and emails ever this week concerning landscaping.
Understand that Precision has been put on notice that this specific crew will not be allowed back until properly trained and supervised.
Also understand that our contract expires in September and that we may not be renewing it.
We apologize for the inconvenience but rest assured action is being taken to resolve this issue.
Siena Oaks Board of Directors
A Realtor’s View of Siena Oaks
New Umbrellas on the Pool Deck
New umbrellas have been installed around the pool deck. We’ve lost a few this past year due to storm damage. It would be greatly appreciated that after each use to please lower them to help prevent future damage.
Also, the light fixtures around the pool deck have been replaced.
Meet the New Property Manager
I wish to introduce myself. My name is John Chapman and I am your new Property Manager. I am an employee of GRS Community Management.
I shall continue to provide you with 20 hours of service each week consisting of the same office hours as your previous manager. I am looking forward to getting to know you and working with you. Please stop in and say hello.
John Chapman
Property Manager LCAM